PACCAR OEM Truck Seat Parts

Click below on either the Kenworth or Peterbilt seat which will display OEM parts with downloadable PDFs links.


PACCAR OEM Commercial Truck Seat Parts Information

Check out the PACCAR part number search tool; we make finding the right parts as convenient as possible. GRA-MAG production on-highway seats are ideal for long haul environments because they provide superior support and comfort for all day travel.

Due to the number of possible configurations, it can be difficult to find the right replacement piece for OEM truck seats. GRA-MAG has made getting the proper component easy with our PACCAR OEM commercial truck seat parts information tool.

Now you can easily find and order the appropriate piece for your OEM truck seats, which quickly gets you closer to finally experiencing a more comfortable and accommodating cabin.

GRA-MAG provides a number of seating solutions for the Heavy Truck markets

  • Air Suspension seats for Heavy Duty Trucks
  • Air Suspension seats for Medium Duty Trucks
  • Mechanical (motor) Suspended Seats
  • Fixed/Stationary Seats for Trucks, Buses and Trains
  • Stationary Seats with tool boxes, battery boxes and storage boxes

Experience the difference GRA-MAG can make in your daily commute. You can order now to enhance your driving environment with our top-quality truck seats and components. Use our tool today to find the PACCAR OEM commercial truck seat parts information you need to give your ride the comfort it deserves.