How Do You Properly Adjust an Air Ride Seat

How Do You Properly Adjust an Air Ride Seat

Jun 2nd 2023

Anyone driving a truck for long distances should have an air ride seat to make the ride more comfortable. These seats provide necessary support and can make the trip a lot easier for you, but you need to know how to adjust the air ride seats so they best fit you. All the benefits of the seats go out the window if you don’t use them to your advantage.

Optimal Seat Position

When it comes to adjusting your seat, your goal should be to find the best position for both short and long drives. Simply put, you want your chair back far enough that your legs don’t extend past the clutch more than a few inches. Vertically, you want your knees to bend at a 90-degree angle and your feet to touch the ground.

Personal Comfort

While this is a great way to start your adjustment, you’re the one who needs to make it the full drive. Use the lumbar support of these ergonomic truck seats to balance comfort so you can last the whole drive. If you’re driving for a while and realize you need the seat back a few extra inches, then make that adjustment.

Unlocking the Seat

A lot of drivers don’t realize that they can unlock their truck seat, which is something every driver should do once they get used to their vehicle. Unlocking your seat means you can shift it slightly back and forth, helping you withstand those big bumps and jolts on the road. This can help save your back from a lot of extra pressure and stress while driving.

Using these tips will help you adjust the air ride seat in your truck for your comfort on those long trips. This is a key part of the setup for any driver and will make a big difference for your body as you spend many hours traveling.